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pregnancy and vegan

ALERT: Vegan Diet During Pregnancy Can Be Dangerous

According to research, pregnancy and vegan do not go hand-in-hand. Being vegan during your pregnancy can cause serious complications for you and your baby....

5 Exercises All Women Should Do In Their Last Term of Pregnancy

Congratulations! You made it to the last leg of the beautiful journey. Rejoice! as it is one of the most beautiful phases of your...

What Causes Scalp sores & How to Treat it

Have you ever brushed through your hair and felt some itching and pain? If yes then you are suffering from scalp sores. Scalp sores might...
beverages to drink during pregnancy

10 Refreshing Beverages to Have During Pregnancy

One of the most important things to consider during pregnancy is to keep yourself well-hydrated. During workouts, frequent trips to the washroom, and morning...

You Didn’t Know This About Oily Hair & How To Get Rid Of Oily...

Hair is oily due to a frequent imbalance of the glands that produce sebum. It is a natural oily substance, which lubricates the hair...
foods to eat during pregnancy

11 Foods You Should Start Eating (& Avoid) In the Third Trimester Of Your...

Being pregnant is overwhelming in itself. You have so many dos and don'ts that keep you constantly thinking and stressed. Adding to that list...
postpartum depression

Did Your Mother Experience the Same? Is Postpartum Depression Hereditary?

For those who are wondering, this is how it looks inside the head of a new mother, who is suffering from Postpartum Depression- I...
early signs of pregnancy

Undeniable Early Signs of Pregnancy Before you Take the Test

“Drat! I missed my period. God, I hope I am not pregnant as it is one of the early signs of pregnancy!” is the...
post pregnancy tummy tuck

7 Flattening Miracles to your Post Pregnancy Tummy Bulge

Post pregnancy tummy tuck is something almost all new mothers are looking forward to. Nobody wants that tummy bulge showing after their pregnancy. A...
why do nipples itch

7 Reasons Your Nipples Itch

If it has happened to you, ever wondered why do nipples itch? One of the most common issues faced by both women and men...
healthy drinks for women

Top 10 Healthy Drinks for Women of All Ages

These health drinks for women are a toast to those who are committed to health despite their age. Some of these health drinks are...

Natural, Fast and Easy Home Remedies for Dry Hair

When hair loss can be a big problem, people with dry hairs have their own set of frustration. Applying water, massage with oil, applying...

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