
Health Niche – One Excellent Platform to Connect with Your Prospects

The Mission – To serve the seekers with the most authentic, accurate, latest and practically useful information written and reviewed by doctors, certified health professionals and bloggers.

The Vision – To make Health Niche the most referred and trusted health information channel

Why Advertise with us – Thousands of health information seekers love us. They come back to have more. They trust us because they were helped. You have an opportunity to get in front of these loyal readers and new seekers every month and drive this targeted traffic to your website, products, and services.

Health Niche receives over 80,000 unique visitors every month (and it’s growing).

Health Niche receives over 60 new posts every month.

We have over 15 reputed doctors and health professionals contributing.

We have over 1 million followers on multiple social networks.

More than 500 questions are answered by highly qualified doctors and professionals.

The pricing is so reasonable and the process so transparent, we’ll have a business relation forever.

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