Skin Care Things to Remember When You’re Getting a Tattoo

skincare and tattoo

The skin is highly-sensitive at the best of times, and if you’re considering a tattoo or have recently had your skin tattooed then they are a number of things that you need to do to ensure your skin is cared for correctly. In our article, we’ll cover a number of things to ensure your skin reacts to the ink well and is cared for correctly.

Caring For Your Skin Before Having A Tattoo

Before having your skin tattooed you need to make sure it is in a good and healthy condition. The area you choose should be clear, well moisturized, and free of any existing scaring or skin imprecations to ensure the best overall result. However, if you suffer from any pre-existing skin conditions then it is advisable that you see a doctor is having any tattoo work carried out.

Conditions such as eczema and dermatitis can react badly with tattoo ink, which could lead to further skin irritation or a reaction to the ink itself.

Caring For Your Skin After A Tattoo

After you have had a tattoo, there are a number of things you should be doing to keep the skin clean and healthy. One of the most important things to remember is good skin leads to a good finished result for tattoos. Most tattoos heal completely after 4 weeks, however, this can vary depending on the size, colors, and detailing chosen for the tattoo.

1. Clean Regularly

The area of the skin that has been tattooed should be cleaned regularly and this is typically carried out twice a day. It is recommended that you only use warm water and fragrance-free soap for the best result. In addition to cleaning, you should keep the area well moisturized.

2. Moisturising The Skin

The tattoo itself should be well moisturized during the healing process. A number of products are available on the market that is specifically designed for tattoo recovery, these are designed to help protect both the ink and your skin and typically deliver the best results.

However many tattoo artists also recommend alternative creams such as nappy creams and Vaseline to moisturize the tattooed area of skin.

3. Skin Flaking

It is only natural that your skin will be to flake once you have had a tattoo and the most important thing to remember here is not to pick it. By picking the flaking skin, you could cause further damage to it, which could lead to infections or scarring.

Any intervention with the skin during the healing process will lead to a poor finished result and it can dramatically affect the overall visual of the tattoo.

Ongoing Skincare

Even once the skin has fully healed and your tattoo looks ready to show off, it is important you continue to care for the skin. Tattooed skin should be regularly moisturized, this helps to prevent any drying out and also helps to prevent color fading of the ink. In addition to this if you are out in the sun, the area of skin that is tattooed should be kept covered or sun lotion should be applied to help protect the area of skin.

Before or after any tattoo, the tattoo studio or artist should carry out a consultation to ensure you are aware of any preparation beforehand and that you are aware of the aftercare required to achieve the best Wally for your tattoo.

Getting a tattoo is no small commitment, which is why our friendly team of artists at our tattoo studio keeps you involved throughout the whole process. We believe you should pick an artist that fits your style and artistic vision, so we provide free consultations and expert advice. Whether you’re adding to your collection or it’s your first tattoo, drop into Mi Tattoo & Laser Treatment Studios in Eastbourne, East Sussex and we’ll help you create your desired body art.

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