Heart Disease: What You Should Know


Heart disease is a huge problem today in the United States.  Learning to have a healthy life style will help in the prevention of this crippling disease, but it does take a conscious effort on your part.  There are several forms of heart disease such as heart valve disease, heart muscle disease, congenital heart disease and congestive heart failure to name some.

Arrhythmia is another problem known as heart disease and is a problem that deals with the rhythm of the beating heart.  Marfan Syndrome is an inherited genetic disease which causes a weakening of all connective

tissues including those tissues of the heart.

If your doctor thinks you are at risk for heart disease or has actually diagnosed you or a loved one with a problem, there are some measures that will lessen the disease and its potentially fatal effects.

The arteries begin collecting fat as early as childhood.  Good eating habits should start as soon as a child begins to eat regular food.  Information about nutrition is important from childhood through old age.  Good fat, bad fat!  Read the labels and have a lipid panel blood test.  That’s how your doctor will determine your risks.  The cholesterol numbers are very important.  Your doctor may even have you take a cholesterol lowering drug, but his biggest advice will be to watch your intake of saturated fats.

If you smoke, your doctor will want you to quit…not decrease your use of tobacco, but to quit.  Many programs assists you in your efforts and the doctor may also provide a prescription for a nicotine patch.  How ever you do it, just do it.  The nicotine in cigarretes constricts the arteries.  Now you have fat accumulating in narrow passageways and the heart is in trouble.

Exercising on a daily basis is a terrific approach to lessening the problems that come with heart disease.  Since your heart is a muscle, the more aerobic type exercise you do,(walking, jogging, dancing) the more your heart strengthens and improves.  All exercise should be approved by your doctor before you begin.  He will know which exercises are appropriate for your heart disease. He may also want you to loose some weight in conjunction with the exercises.  Support groups at your local hospital will help you reach your goal and then maintain it.

If you don’t have a heart disease, the aforementioned tips are the way to keep your lifestyle healthy.  Keep that heart healthy if you can, and if you have a genetic heart problem, be kind to the heart and follow your doctors suggestions.


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