Having a baby


Having a baby is no doubt a pleasant experience for every woman. After going through a tedious but memorable experience for 9 months you have got your wonderful gift in your life in the form of your nice baby. Now you are going home with your lovely baby so prepare yourself to begin a new life with him. If you are a first-time parent, then you need to learn a lot about baby care and parenting.

Seeking help from others

Early months are really a testing time for any first time parents. You need to consider getting help from your friends and family members to pass through these crucial periods. You can also get the services of lactation consultants or feeding specialists who may be much helpful in preparing you in nursing your baby.

The nurses can teach you in holding your baby in a proper way. They can also help you in other basic baby care activities. At home you can hire a baby sitter or seek the help of your teenage neighbor to help you in taking care of your baby. Friends and relatives are the wonderful sources who can guide you throughout this process.

Handling infants

If you are a first time parent, first learn some basic about handling newborns.

Learn to hold your baby’s head and neck in a proper position while carrying as well as laying down.
Never shake your baby whether for pleasure or in irritation.
Always make sure that your baby is properly fastened in the car seat, carrier or stroller. Never expose him to any rough and brumby activities.
Never involve your newborn in a rough play.
Bonding and Soothing Techniques

Bonding is one of the most pleasant experiences in baby care. This happens in the early stages of child growth. During this period parents establish an unfathomable connection with the newborn. Physical proximity with baby enhances the emotional bonds.

Attachment is instrumental in bringing emotional growth in newborns. It also influences the developments in their physical growth. The other way of bonding is by showing exceptional love and affection towards them. Keeping your infant very close to you and your partner enhances the bonding.

Infant massage is another way of enchasing bonding with infants. Premature babies and babies with medical problems will respond positively to infant massage. There are various resources available to learn and practice infant massage. However, it is always better to consult your doctor before staring infant massage.

Infants usually like verbal sounds such as singing, talking, babbling, etc. Some babies also enjoy listening to music. You can use baby rattles and light musical instruments to stimulate your baby’s hearing capabilities. Singing, reciting poems, nursery rhymes are also useful in strengthening your child’s hearing. Some infants are very sensitive to touch, bright lights, or loud sound. Keeping light and noise at lower levels will help them to overcome such problems.

Swaddling is one of the best soothing techniques that every first-time parent should learn. Swaddling helps in keeping the infants arms close to your body and his legs nestled together. Swaddling helps to keep your baby warm and also gives a sense of security to him.


A typical baby soils diapers about 10 times a day. You can either use cloth or disposable diapers for your baby. It is very essential to keep all the supplies within your reach otherwise you will be leaving your infant in dirt until you get them all. For diapering you will need a clean diaper, a fastener if a cloth is used, a container of warm water, diaper ointment in case your baby has a rash, a clean washcloth, diaper wipes or cotton balls. Diaper rash is a common worry among newborn babies. These red and bumpy rashes will disappear in a day or two with the application of diaper cream or even simple warm bath.

Bathing your baby

Sponge bath is ideal for newborn babies until 4 weeks. Afterwards two or three times in a week is enough in the first year. Frequent baths will dry your baby’s skin and expose him to skin infections. You can give your child tub bath once he is ready. If he shows any resistance, revert back to sponge bath for another few weeks before trying tub bath again.

Feeding your baby

It is better to know how often you need to feed your newborn. Whether it is breast feeding or bottle feeding, it is always advisable to feed him on demand. Normally, babies cry when they are hungry. There may be also other indications such as putting fingers in their mouth, or creating sucking noise, etc. You need to feed a newborn in every 2 to 3 hours. In case you breast feed your baby, allow 10 to 15 minutes in each breast.

Having these guidelines at your hand stretch, and becoming a wonderful and caring mother is enterprising to both, your child and yourself.


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