Eat Fiber and Grains to Reduce the Risk of Bowel Cancer


As per the research, people who consume more of grains and fiber are less prone to have bowel cancer.

This research was conducted at Imperial College London. As per the latest study, if you increase the intake of these products by 10 g in a day, you reduce the risk by around 10 percent.


bowel cancer

Previously also, many studies have been conducted. Researchers have cited the need for more comprehensive one. The conclusion of this study was published in the British Medical Journal.

Whole grains include cereals, brown rice, porridge, oatmeal etc.
The lead author of study, Dagfinn Aune, says that there is a link between cancer and dietary fiber. “The more of this fiber you eat the better it is. Even moderate amounts have some effect.” But unfortunately, study shows that there are no evidences that vegetables and fruits’ fibers don’t show any benefits in cancer reduction.

Though other products except fruits and vegetable do have a positive role to play in reducing the risk of cancer.

“It is also likely to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes,overweight and obesity, and possibly overall mortality,” the researchers said.


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