Few Prominent and Gentle Dieticians in the USA


There is no denying to the fact that journey to good health begins with a healthy diet. I have seen a great change in the recent years; a number of dieticians have started using social media to help people get engaged and even help them with good dietary information. You can access them on social media as well and can also visit them for a better health.

This is amazing. The healthy diet information is just a few clicks away. This has one more importance; you can reach them on social media and determine their effectiveness before getting an appointment. You are going to get some vital inputs anyway.

Here is the brief list with the short information of each of these dieticians. What I liked most about these is the way they interact with the people. They are gentle and more importantly, they are willing to help others.

1.    Alysa /wOne of the best dieticians in the world, Alysa is a dedicated mother and wife. She recently has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease but that didn’t stop her willingness to share the information and her dedication to help the people acquire good health. She is honest and you can visit InspiredRD.com, which contains huge information about the diets, health and some healthy recipes

2.    Rebecca Scritchfield


One of the prominent dieticians of Washington D.C. Rebecca Scritchfield is a registered dietician and has expertise in weight management and performance diets. She is highly qualified and in fat written some manuals as well, which are getting popular for being effective. Get benefited by the vast knowledge and information. Reach her @ScritchfieldRD on Twitter.

3.    Toby Amidor

Toby Amidor is the founder of Toby Amidor Nutrition, where she offers consulting services, she is a great dietician and multi-talented. She has put in huge efforts to reach out to maximum number of people with valid and helpful information. For FoodNetwork.com she offers expert nutritional expertise. There is a special “Healthy Eating Blog” of FoodNetwork, where she helps them develop content for the benefit of large number of users. Not only this, she also contributes priceless health articles for FitStudio community. She can be reached @TobyAmidor on Twitter.

4.    Liz Weiss

Liz is a mom of two kids. Being a mother she understands the challenges that mothers face in life. She is of the view that mothers often are indulged in one or the other acts when it is the meals time. She is actually the dietician and has contributed a lot, especially (for mothers) in form of The Meal Makeover Moms. She also has written a lot on diet and health and co-authored some fabulous books with Janice Bissex, another dietician. The important ones include:

•    150 Healthy, Kid-Tested Recipes from The Meal Makeover Moms
•    One Meal at a Time
•    The Moms’ Guide to Meal Makeovers
•    No Wine with Dinner
•    Improving the Way Your Family Eats

Reach her at @LizWeiss.

5.    Janice Bissex

Jannice is another dietician who has played great role in The Meal Makeover Moms and with Liz has contributed noticeably in the just aforementioned works. She seems to be on a mission to help the busy mothers eat better. Her co-authored books offer a simple philosophy of food, that kids love taste and good looking food, so they wont say no to a healthy food, if it tastes better. She can be accessed @JaniceBissex

6.    David Grotto

Spokesperson of American Dietetic Association, Dave has achieved a lot to feel proud of. He has a huge experience in the field of diets. He slowly progressed from owning his own natural food retail shop to become a registered dietician. He has now founded Nutrition Housecall LLC. Besides reaching him @DavidGrotto, you can also read number of his books and articles.

7.    Leah

Leah is the registered dietician and achieved this feat way 15 years before. She is now the Corporate Dietician of Ingles Markets. Her contributions too are very vast and she writes regularly in some prominent magazines like Sophie and WNC Parent. Reach her at @InglesDietitian. Through Ingles Markets you can get a number of delicious and healthy recipes besides asking Leah directly various questions on diet and health.

8.    Joy Bauer

Joy, like the name does she work in the field of health. She is one of the most trusted nutrition experts of the country. Joy often says that she wants to make US an even healthier nation. She is the nutrition expert for The Today show besides being the author of Inner Skinny. She provides a lot of information on JoyBauer.com. You can also reach her @JoyBauer.

There are many such people who are doing it exactly the same and I am looking forward to bring a few of these to you.

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