10 Body Weight Exercises That Every Man Should Do When He Can’t Go To The Gym

bodyweight exercises

The best thing about bodyweight exercises is that it doesn’t need any equipment (that tree branch in the park will do just fine), no costs whatsoever(don’t need gym memberships, which we end not using anyway), can be done anywhere(even when you’re on your business trip), anytime (whenever you’re ready to lace up and exercise).

What are bodyweight exercises?

Bodyweight exercises are strength training exercises that enhance strength, stability, flexibility, coordination, etc.

Remember going to the gym is NOT the only ticket to fitness and health. You can use your body weight to the benefit and squeeze out the about-to-tear-your- T-shirt-muscles that you have always dreamt about.

So, if you are a busy with a passion for fitness but your daily hours can’t accommodate the gym routine, then here are some best bodyweight exercises for you:

(Please note: If you have suffered a physical injury before then consult your doctor before starting these exercises.)

1. Pushups

This time-tested bodyweight back exercise helps in developing upper body strength especially for athletes, sportspersons.

Which body part does it strengthen?

Shoulders, arms (triceps), chest (pectoral muscles), lower back.

The ideal number of sets to do

Start with any number of pushups that your body is ready for and then increase them every alternate day.

How many times a week?

Safe to do every day (with the correct posture).

Equipment required



If you are mindful of your posture then pushups are safe to do every day. Keep changing the types of pushups to challenge your body enough.

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2. Pullups

Also known as ‘Compound Exercise’ as you are working on several muscles of your body, at one time, is yet another bodyweight back exercise that improves your grip, posture, etc.

Which body part does it strengthen?

Pullups benefit the entire upper body. There are various types of pullups that beginners can do and elevate their strength levels.

The ideal number of sets to do

Start with as many as the body allows.

How many times a week?

2-3 times a week is safe to do. Allow your body to heal and rejuvenate on other days.

Equipment required



Improper pullups can strain the neck and back muscles. Start doing pullups under supervision to avoid risks and injuries.

3. Plank

How do they help?

Plank helps stabilize the physical and emotional aspects of our bodies. It strengthens the core, improves metabolism and bone health, increases muscles definition, and much more.

Which body part does it strengthen?

The plank works to strengthen our body’s stomach, shoulder, chest, neck, and back muscles.

The ideal duration to maintain a plank

Can start with 10-15 seconds at a time and increase gradually.

How many times a week?

You can do it every day.

Equipment required


4. Diamond Pushup

This is a pushup where hands are placed close together (with thumbs touching).

This type of pushups helps the triceps, increases core strength and hip stability. Prepares you for plank.

The ideal number of close grip pushups to do

15-20 reps.

How many times a week?

3-4 times a week.

Equipment required



If you don’t do the pushups in proper posture, it can lead to shoulder or back injury.

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5. Burpees

It is an excellent cardiovascular workout. Start with beginner level burpees and move on to its variations as you amp up your fitness game.

Burpees are hardcore – I can tell for a fact.

They are not easy but they are worth it.

Which body part does it strengthen?

Arms, Back, Chest, Legs, Glutes. Improves your cardiovascular health, balance, and coordination.

The ideal number of sets to do

Start with one burpee if that’s what your body allows and add up one every day.

How many times a week?

You can do burpees safely every day.

Equipment required



Improper positioning of shoulders or elbows can lead to injuries to tendons and ligaments.

6. Star Plank

Star Plank works the core and oblique muscles. Giving them fabulous strength and stability. In other words, this is the star move that gets you on the journey to six-pack abs.

Which body part does it strengthen?

Abdomen, chest, arms, and shoulders.

The ideal number of sets to do

Start with 10 seconds plank gradually moving to 30 seconds for each set.

How many times a week?

You can do the Star Plank 3-5 times a week.

Equipment required


7. Prone Back Extension

Which body part does it strengthen?

Works the back muscles, improving back health, physique, posture, etc. Helps in preventing back injury as well.

The ideal number of sets to do

2 – 3 sets of 8-10 reps each.

How many times a week?

To learn the correct posture and frequency check with your doctor or a fitness professional before you begin prone back extension.

Equipment required


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8. Jump Squats

Which body part does it strengthen?

Works your lower body (legs, hips, glutes). Reduces fat, improves strength and balance.

The ideal number of sets to do

3 sets of 15 reps.

How many times a week?

2-3 times a week.

Equipment required



Jump squats can pose a risk to your knees if you aren’t wearing shoes or doing with improper posture.

9. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

How do they help?

Read what experts have to say about a single glute bridge and its effectiveness in getting a toned booty.

Driving through just one leg helps isolate the glute muscles, but it also incorporates your other posterior muscles and makes this beloved move way more intense, says NASM-certified trainer Whitney Johns, an instructor with personal training app Plankk Studio.

Which body part does it strengthen?

Works lower back strength and benefits hip mobility.

The ideal number of sets to do

3 sets of 15-20 reps.

How many times a week?

2-3 times a week.

Equipment required


10. Frozen V-Sit

The reason, why it’s called frozen V sit, is because the body is static in a V position.

How does it help?

Master the frozen V sit exercise and the rock-hard six-pack abs are yours.

Which body part does it strengthen?


The ideal number of sets to do

The longer you hold the frozen V sit the stronger you get.

How many times a week?

2-4 times a week.

Equipment required


Like the wise say, “Don’t wish for a good body, work for it”.

Work your way into a life of good health and fitness with these bodyweight exercises at the comfort of your time, place without spending any money. Sounds like a win-win!

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