Postpartum Depression-The Common Most Complication After Pregnancy!


Postpartum depression also known as postnatal depression is a kind of clinical depression that affects women after the birth of a child. The various significant studies or reports show that the prevalent rate of this kind of depression rates among the women from 5% to 25%.

Maternity Blues-A Mild Depressive State!

Maternity blues or baby blues refer to the transitory or mild mood swings by which 80% of women suffered after pregnancy.  In some cases fathers also suffer from maternity blues or baby blues.  The symptoms of this depression last from a period of few hours to several days.  They include irritability, tearfulness, sleeplessness, hypochondriasis,   concentration impairment, headache and isolation.  The baby or maternity blues don’t have the same nature as postpartum depression.

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

These symptoms may occur anytime at the very first year postpartum. They include:

* Sadness
* Low self-esteem
* Hopelessness
* Sleep disturbances
* Guilt
* Inability to be comforted
* Eating disturbances
* Emptiness
* Inability to enjoy things one previously enjoyed
* Social withdrawal
* Becoming easily frustrated
* Feeling inadequate in taking care of the baby (or feeling like one cannot take care of the baby
* Low energy
* Exhaustion

Risk Factors Of Postpartum Depression

There are thirteen factors that are considered as significant predictors of Postpartum Depression. They are:

* Low self esteem 
* Prenatal anxiety
* Childcare stress
* Low social support
* History of previous depression
* Poor marital relationship
* Life stress
* Maternity blues
* Low socioeconomic status 
* Infant temperament problems
* Single parent
* Unplanned or unwanted pregnancy

Some women suffering from Postpartum Depression believe that they aren’t able to take good care of their baby. Some are worried that they might create problem for their baby or can even harm them. It’s really important to understand the normal postpartum emotional changes. Don’t think too much and try not to have feelings that something may be amiss. If you’re really at trouble by your thinking just consult your physician for the immediate help.


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