Arthritis: Facts you should know

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints and soft tissues in a person’s body. Arthritis facts indicate that under the single term arthritis, there are about 120 different diseases covered. The three most prevalent forms of the disease, however, are fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis,...

History Of Arthritis

The word arthritis is derived from the Greek words arthro, which means joints and –itis, which means inflammation. Arthritis is the inflammation in the joints of the body. Mostly arthritis is found in humans above the age of 55. The history of arthritis traces...

What is Arthritis

After a peaceful sleep, when you get up you may feel a bit stiff.  If you are sitting in a computer table for a long time, or you are doing gardening work for sometime and when you get up you may feel a bit...

AIDS Facts

One of the aids facts that scientists believed are that AIDS causing HIV may have evolved from a same kind of virus in monkeys that was spread to humans. Lack of specific knowledge about AIDS is also one of the causes for the spread...

AIDS Education

Prevention is better than cure applies to AIDS much more than to any other mass disease. Unfortunately the most effective preventive effective, namely, vaccine is not yet available for preventing AIDS. Fortunately, we have an alternative weapon to annihilate the HIV. Yes! It’s education...