What do Physical Therapists Do for Neck Pain?

neck pain

Physical therapists are professionals who provide a range of therapeutic services for the rehabilitation of people who have been injured or experience pain as a result of physical activities.

A physical therapist can perform a wide range of therapeutic services including movement training, balance and strength training, and low impact exercise classes, to name a few. Most physical therapists receive specialized education in their field and are board-certified.

They have a great deal of experience working with people who have been injured or experiencing pain from injuries that range from torn ligaments and muscles to fractures.

Why would anyone choose a physical therapist to treat neck pain?

One of the most common reasons people see a physical therapist is because they are unable to perform typical exercises that are needed to help alleviate pain and improve flexibility.

A physical therapist can perform a wide range of therapeutic movements and exercises that will not only improve a person’s condition but also improve the quality of his or her life. Physical therapists can also refer patients to other health care providers, such as chiropractors and physical therapists, when needed.

Another reason that people visit a physical therapist is that they are suffering from extreme levels of pain and discomfort that force them to cancel appointments with other health care providers or to limit themselves in certain activities.

People who visit a physical therapist are often surprised to learn that not only do physical therapists perform a wide range of therapeutic exercises, but they also know how to effectively treat pain and injury, providing an invaluable service in the management of chronic pain.

Read “Real Solutions for Pain Management in Orlando” to learn more. 

neck pain physical therapyWhat do physical therapists do for neck pain?

When a patient visits a physical therapist, the first steps that are usually taken are spinal traction and/or massage. Physical therapy techniques used by physical therapists to treat pain and injury may include applying controlled pressure to the spine or using manual therapy to stimulate the muscles and soft tissues of the body.

In addition, the physical therapist will teach the patient ways to deal with pain and help him or her to return to daily activities, including exercise, as quickly and painlessly as possible.

The goal of physical therapy is to help a patient live a normal and productive life. Physical therapists work together with the patient and his or her family to develop a comprehensive plan of treatment that will lead to a return to daily activities, proper weight management, and improvement in physical, mental, and emotional health.

If you suffer from neck pain, you may be experiencing stress or depression and need some help to cope with or control your pain. A skilled physical therapist can help you overcome your obstacles and regain your ability to perform normal daily tasks.

What Happens After Diagnosis of Neck Pain?

After identifying the cause of your pain (which can include a poor posture, muscle or joint stress, or a combination of any of these), your physical therapist will devise an exercise program that can help strengthen your muscles, improve flexibility, and relieve pain.

Your physical therapist will also teach you how to appropriately use your body’s muscles, including those in the neck. If you have recently injured your neck, you may be at risk for further injury or swelling if you do not follow your physical therapist’s exercises and advice. Therefore, it is very important for you to be diligent in your care for your condition.

As you can see, there are many ways to manage your neck pain, such as consulting a doctor and seeking physical therapy. However, these methods can be costly and may not provide you with the relief that you want or need.

What do physical therapists do for neck pain? Physical therapists have seen it all before-all kinds of conditions, from torn ligaments to dislocated joints, and all types of injuries. They are often the only recourse when patients are too embarrassed to seek medical attention on their own or are simply too poor health to go to the doctor for help.

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