Weight Loss And Eating Disorders – What’s the Relation?


Today’s people are very conscious of their human body and shape. Models strive for perfection which unfortunately means being very thin. In this pursuit of perfection, all sorts of diets and weight reduction programs thrive. However, these efforts though unhealthy at time, are intentional.

It is the case of unexplained weight loss that is a matter of concern. The reasons for this could be many; health conditions like diabetes, excessive smoking and alcohol intake, anxiety and stress or eating disorders. In this article we would discuss eating disorders that cause excessive weight loss.

What are eating disorders?

These disorders are abnormal eating habits that threaten the health of the individual, increase their susceptibility and risk for diseases, and in grave cases damage vital body functions requiring hospitalization and eventually rehabilitation through psychiatric treatment.

There are two types of these disorders:

* Aneorexia Nervosa
* Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa is characterized by periodic binge eating followed by purging. Although serious, an individual suffering from this disorder rarely has the very low body weight associated with Anorexia nervosa. While there may be weight fluctuations, those suffering from Bulimia are generally of normal body weight, or may even be overweight.

Anorexia Nervosa is serious, because if ignored, it can be life threatening. Persons suffering from this disorder are painfully and abnormally thin and even in this state they still think they are fat and try to reduce some more weight. The disease is thus characterized by an extreme fear of weight gain, with a distorted idea of the body, its shape and size. The incidence of this disease is more among girls, particularly in the teenage years, although boys can be affected by it too.

What causes Anorexia Nervosa?

The causes are not really clear. It is believed to be a combination of psychological, social and family factors. Psychiatric conditions like excessive anxiety and stress can tip the balance towards the disease. The media and fashion industry which lays a lot of emphasis on wafer thin models is seen by many as the culprit and may in fact be the trigger for the disease.


This disease needs to be monitored carefully right from the start, although it is not always easy to spot it in the early stages. However, as soon as an eating disorder is suspected, immediate medical intervention is necessary. Support therapy from family and friends is imperative.

Prevention during the growing up years might be a more effective remedy. Emphasis needs to be places on nurturing the self esteem of teenagers with regard to their appearance and capabilities. Healthy eating habits and nutrition needs to be inculcated very early in life. You definitely may want to look for rapid and easy weight loss programs and tricks, yet you must know certain other things that may be related. eating disorders knowledge must have enlightened you with the same. Cheers!


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